OtherLang template
This template adds links to available translations for the page to the top.
To prevent issues, this template must be placed at the very beginning of a page.
Tip: When contributing a new translation to a document that already has other translations, please carry over the existing translations to the otherlang template of your contributed page. This way all multilingual pages are linked.
{{otherlang | title=Current Page Title (one you want to see with spaces instead of underscores, no language code, etc.) | LowercaseLanguageCode1=PageName1 | LowercaseLanguageCode2=PageName2 | [...] }}
Note: Do not include a line for the language of the current page : this will add a link to the current page, which is useless and will only confuse readers.
On an English wiki page named "Hello":
{{OtherLang | en=Hello | fr=FR:Bonjour | it=IT:Ciao | uk=UK:привіт }}
Notice that there is no line for the English language, as it is the language of the page that template is being used on.
Note: The template will accept any page name. By convention however, translated pages are named according to the syntax UppercaseLanguageCode:TranslatedName
; as for English pages, they are named normally, without any EN:
Available Languages
Language | Syntax |
English | en=PageName
Français | fr=FR:TranslatedPageName
Italiano | it=IT:TranslatedPageName
See also
Otherlang has been inspired by:
- https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Template:Otherlang2
- https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Template:Lang
- https://web.archive.org/web/20220125082843/https://wiki.micdoodle8.com/wiki/Template:Otherlang
- https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Languages
See also other ways to do it: