HowTo:Configure your favorite text editor to work with POV-Ray
POV-Ray supporting text editors
- Windows
- Linux
- eclipse with povclipse plugin
- neXtgen Povray Editor
- KPovModeler
- Kate
- SciTE on Windows
Syntax highlighting is already supported by default. However, POV-Ray is missing from some of the menus. To fix this:
- Select the "Options" menu. Select "Open Global Options File". A text file with a bunch of SciTE configuration settings will open in the editor window.
- Scroll to the section that looks like this:
- Add the common POV-Ray file extensions to the list. These include the POV, INC, INI and MCR extensions. It should now look like this:
- After restarting SciTE Povray source files should now be listed in the "Open File", "Save File", etc. dialogs.
- Scroll to the section labeled "Define the Lexer menu". Uncomment the line that reads:
#P&OV-Ray SDL|pov||\
- It should now look like this:
P&OV-Ray SDL|pov||\
- After restarting SciTE Povray should now appear in the "Language" menu.
To set up SciTE to send files to POV-Ray for rendering:
- Select the "Options" menu. Select "Open". A text file with POV-Ray-specific configuration settings will open in the editor window.
- Scroll down to where it says:
command.compile.*.pov=pvengine.exe $(FileName)
Change the file path to reflect the location of your POV-Ray installation. On my system it was:command.compile.*.pov=C:\Users\Nimda\AppData\Roaming\POV-Ray\v3.6\bin\pvengine64.exe $(FileName)
- Do the same for where it says:
command.go.*.pov=pvengine.exe $(FileName)
On my system it ended up being:command.go.*.pov=C:\Users\Nimda\AppData\Roaming\POV-Ray\v3.6\bin\pvengine64.exe $(FileName)
- After restarting SciTE pressing the F5 button should now cause the file to be loaded into POV-Ray and rendered.
To set up SciTe for context-sensitive POV-Ray help:
- Select the "Options" menu. Select "Open". A text file with POV-Ray-specific configuration settings will open in the editor window.
- Scroll down to where it says:$(file.patterns.pov)=$(CurrentWord)!...
change the file path to reflect the location of your POV-Ray installation. On my system it$(file.patterns.pov)=$(CurrentWord)!C:\Users\...username...\AppData\Roaming\POV-Ray\v3.6\help\povray36.chm
- After a restart SciTE will now open the POV-Ray help file to the correct entry based on the word you have highlighted.