Reference:Brick Pattern
The brick
pattern generates a pattern of bricks. The bricks
are offset by half a brick length on every other row in the x- and
z-directions. A layer of mortar surrounds each brick. The syntax is given
pigment { brick COLOR_1, COLOR_2 [brick_size <Size>] [mortar Size] }
where COLOR_1 is the color of the mortar and COLOR_2 is
the color of the brick itself. If no colors are specified a default deep red
and dark gray are used. The default size of the brick and mortar together is
<8, 3, 4.5> units. The default thickness of the mortar is 0.5 units.
These values may be changed using the optional brick_size
pattern modifiers. You may also use pigment statements in
place of the colors. For example:
pigment { brick pigment{Jade}, pigment{Black_Marble} }
This example uses normals:
normal { brick 0.5 }
The float value is an optional bump size. You may also use full normal statements. For example:
normal { brick normal{bumps 0.2}, normal{granite 0.3} }
When used with textures, the syntax is
texture { brick texture{T_Gold_1A}, texture{Stone12} }
This is a block pattern which cannot use wave types,
, or slope_map
The brick
pattern has a default color_map built in that
results in red bricks and grey mortar.