User:Le Forgeron/vault/RefImgCameraSampleScene

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#version 3.7;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 }

camera { perspective
location -20*z
rotate 25*x
rotate 55*y
up 10*y
right 10*x
direction 10*z
sky y
look_at <0,0,5>
angle 70
#declare KK=3;
#include ""

#include ""
#include ""

light_source { <-10,10,-40>, 1 }
sphere { 0,2 texture 
{ pigment { checker pigment {colour White}, pigment { colour Green } rotate 45*z } 
finish { Glossy } } translate 10*z }

sphere { 0,1 texture { pigment {colour Magenta} finish { Glossy } } translate -4*y+x*4+1*z } 
sphere { 0,1 texture { pigment {colour MediumAquamarine} finish { Glossy } } translate -4*y-x*4-5*z } 
sphere { 0,1 texture { pigment {colour MediumGoldenrod} finish { Glossy } } translate -4*y-x*0-2*z } 

#declare HUGE=1000000;
//box { <-HUGE,-2,2>,<HUGE,-HUGE,HUGE>
intersection {
plane { y,-2 }
plane { -z,-2 }
	//rotate 0.01*x 
{ pigment { checker pigment {colour Yellow}, pigment { colour Cyan } } 
finish { Glossy } } }

sky_sphere {
   pigment { gradient y
      color_map { 
      [0 color Cyan]
      [0.1 color Cyan]
      [0.2 color Orange]
      [0.4 color Orange]
      [0.4 color Aquamarine]
      [0.6 color Aquamarine]
         [0.8 color White ] 
         [1 color White ] 
box { -2,2 texture { pigment { color Red } finish { Dull }} translate 10*z+5*x+5*y }
box { -2,2 texture { pigment { color VioletRed } finish { Dull }} translate 10*z-5*x }
box { -2,2 texture { pigment { color RichBlue } finish { Dull }} translate 20*z+10*x }

#if (defined(KK))
torus { 2,0.03 rotate 90*x rotate i*y texture { pigment { color Blue } finish { ambient 1.0 diffuse 0} } }
torus { 2,0.03 rotate i*x texture { pigment { color Blue } finish { ambient 1.0 diffuse 0} } }
#declare H2=0.05;
difference {
	box { <-1,-H2/2,-1>,<1,H2/2,1> }
	box { <-1+H2/2,-H2,-1+H2/2>,<1-H2/2,H2,1-H2/2> }
	texture { pigment { color Black } finish { ambient 1.0 diffuse 0 } } 
	translate i*y
difference {
	box { <-1,-H2/2,-1>,<1,H2/2,1> }
	box { <-1+H2/2,-H2,-1+H2/2>,<1-H2/2,H2,1-H2/2> }
	texture { pigment { color Black } finish { ambient 1.0 diffuse 0 } } 
	rotate 90*x
	translate i*z
difference {
	box { <-1,-H2/2,-1>,<1,H2/2,1> }
	box { <-1+H2/2,-H2,-1+H2/2>,<1-H2/2,H2,1-H2/2> }
	texture { pigment { color Black } finish { ambient 1.0 diffuse 0 } } 
	rotate 90*z
	translate i*x