User:Le Forgeron/vault/RefImgTriangular

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#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
camera { location <1,6,-4> look_at 0 }
{ y,0
  pigment { triangular 
//  finish { ambient 1 }
light_source{ <0,100,-100> color rgb <1,1,1> }

sphere{ <0,2,0>,1
 texture{ triangular 
  texture{ T_Wood1 }
  texture{ T_Wood2 }
  texture{ T_Wood4 }
  texture{ T_Wood8 }
  texture{ T_Wood16 }
  texture{ T_Wood10 }
 scale 0.25

cone { <0,1,-2>,1,<0,3,-2>,0
 pigment{ triangular
  pigment { Aquamarine }
  pigment { Turquoise }
  pigment { Sienna }
  pigment { Aquamarine }
  pigment { Turquoise }
  pigment { SkyBlue }
  //rotate <45,0,0>
  scale 0.1

cylinder { <3,1,0>,<3,3,0>,1
 texture { triangular
  texture {   T_Stone16 }
  texture {   T_Stone1 }
  texture {  pigment {  Aquamarine } }
  texture {    T_Stone21 }
  texture {    T_Stone24 }
  texture {    T_Stone27 }
  rotate <120,30,10>
  scale 1/3

box { <-3,1,-1>,<-2,2,1>
 texture { pigment { triangular 
    pigment { Red }
    pigment { Green }
    pigment { Blue }
    pigment { Red }
    pigment { Green }
    pigment { Blue }
   rotate <60,30,70>
  scale 1/4