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Converting functions or objects via functions and the object pattern into df3s. Complete scene file follows
#version 3.71; global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 ambient_light srgb <1,1,1> noise_generator 3 } #include "" // For ARRAYS_WriteDF3() #include "" // Array coupled df3 macros & functions. #include "" //--- Can turn objects into df3 via ConvertFunctionToDF3 as follows // #declare Sphere00 = sphere { 0.5,0.2 } // #declare Fnct00 = function { pattern { object { Sphere00 } } } // ConvertFunctionToDF3(50,50,50,0.0,0.5,0.9,1.1,Fnct00,"FunctionToDF3.df3",8,0) #declare Fnct00 = function (x,y,z) { f_sphere(x-0.5,y-0.5,z-0.5,0.2) } ConvertFunctionToDF3(50,50,50,0.0,0.5,-9e10,0.0,Fnct00,"FunctionToDF3.df3",8,0) // #error "Stop before render if just creating df3 for future work" #declare Color_2 = srgbft <0.65,0.65,0.65,0,0>; #declare Color_3 = srgbft <0.8,0.8,0.8,0,0>; #declare ColorMap_CloudyGraySky2 = color_map { [ 0 Color_2 ] [ 1 Color_3 ] } #declare Pigment_CloudyGraySky2 = pigment { bozo sine_wave frequency 3.33 turbulence 1.0 color_map { ColorMap_CloudyGraySky2 } } #declare Sky_Sphere00 = sky_sphere { pigment { Pigment_CloudyGraySky2 } emission rgb <1,1,1> } #declare Camera00 = camera { perspective location <2.7,2.7,-2.701> sky <0,1,0> angle 35 right x*(image_width/image_height) look_at <0,0,0> } #declare White = srgbft <1,1,1,0,0>; #declare Light00 = light_source { <50,150,-250>, White } #declare Fnct01 = function { pattern { density_file df3 "FunctionToDF3.df3" interpolate 3 } } #declare Fnct02 = function (x,y,z) { 0.025-Fnct01(x,y,z) } #declare Neptune = srgb <0.4863,0.7176,0.7333>; #declare Iso00 = isosurface { function { Fnct02(x,y,z) } contained_by { box { 0.2+1e-6,0.8-1e-6 } } threshold 0 accuracy 0.0005 max_gradient 6 all_intersections pigment { color Neptune } finish { phong 0.9 } } #declare Object00 = object { Iso00 translate -0.5 scale 2.2 } //--- sky_sphere { Sky_Sphere00 } camera { Camera00 } object { Object00 } light_source { Light00 }