User:Le Forgeron/cameras

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Access to camera information

These pieces of information are in read-only mode. You cannot use them to modify the actual value (no #declare or #local). The various vectors might have been updated by transform and look_at.

  • camera_type is a string containing the type of the camera (but not its subtype, so cylinder camera might be ambiguous).
  • camera_up is the actual up vector of the camera.
  • camera_right is the actual right vector of the camera.
  • camera_direction is the actual direction vector of the camera.
  • camera_location is the actual location of the camera.

In case of scene with multiple cameras, each keyword can be followed by an usual array notation to access the relevant camera. (e.g. camera_up[3] for the fourth camera)

multiple cameras on the same image


Multiple cameras on the same scene can be put in a grid which divides the rendered image in N horizontal and M vertical identical blocks. Filled from left to right, and from top to bottom, each block must have a declared camera (either as a `#declare` or `#local` identifier).

camera { grid N CameraId\{N*N\} `}`
camera { grid <N,M> CameraId\{N*M\} }
#declare C2= camera {
  location <1,4,3> 
  right    x/3*image_width/image_height 
  angle 360 
  look_at <0,1,2> 
#declare C3= camera { 
  location <1,4,3> 
  right    x/3*image_width/image_height
  angle 360 
  look_at <0,1,2> 
#declare C4= camera { 
  location <1,4,3> 
  right    x/3*image_width/image_height 
  angle 360 look_at <0,1,2> 

camera { grid <3,1> C2 C3 C4 }
#version 3.8;
global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }

#include ""

#declare C=camera { right x };
#declare D=camera { disc C };
#declare E=camera { diamond C };
#declare F=camera { orthographic right 5*x up 5*y };
#declare G=camera { matte 0.1 0.1 C };
#declare H=camera { liner 0.1 0.1 F };

camera { grid <4,3> C D E F G H C E F D H G }

splitted in two, unregular

After the choice for the direction of the disposition (horizontal or vertical) a float (between 0 and 1) give the amount of the picture for the first camera; Then the two inner cameras are provided.

#version 3.8;
global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }

#include ""

#declare C=camera { right image_width/image_height*x up y*4 };
#declare D=camera { right image_width/image_height*x*3 up y*4 angle 60};

camera { horizontal 0.25 C D  }


#version 3.8;
global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }

#include ""

#declare C=camera { right image_width/image_height*x*4 };
#declare D=camera { right image_width/image_height*x*4/3 };

camera { vertical 0.25 C D  }



A nearly useless camera, as it is just blank.

It becomes useful with the next cameras (diamond, disc, liner, matte).

#version 3.8;
global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }

#include ""

camera { blank }


An inner and an outer cameras, combined in the shape of a diamond (as per the card symbole)

#version 3.8;
global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }

#include ""

#declare C = camera { };
#declare B = camera { blank };
camera { diamond C B }



An inner and an outer cameras, combined in the shape of a disc.

#version 3.8;
global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }

#include ""

#declare C = camera { };
#declare B = camera { blank };
camera { disc C B }



An inner and an outer cameras, combined as a liner. Inner is cropped by the frame.

The 2D vectors after the type are the amount of vertical margin (from top, from bottom) and horizontal margin (from left, from right).

#version 3.8;
global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }

#include ""

#declare C=camera { right image_width/image_height*x };
#declare B=camera { blank };

camera { liner <0.05, 0.15>, <0.025,0.1> C B }



An inner and an outer cameras, combined as a matte. Inner is resized by the frame.

The 2D vectors after the type are the amount of vertical margin (from top, from bottom) and horizontal margin (from left, from right).

#version 3.8;
global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }

#include ""

#declare C=camera { right x };
#declare B=camera { blank };

camera { matte <0.125, 0.375> <0.43, 0.23> C B }


other fisheye camera

The historical fisheye in povray is for r = F.theta. It is equidistant (linear scaled). It maintains angular distances.

  • fisheye_orthographic for r = F.sin(theta). It is orthographic. It maintains planar illuminance.
  • fisheye_equisolid_angle for r = F.2.sin(theta/2). It is equisolid angle (equal area). It maintains surface relations.
  • fisheye_stereographic for r = F.2.tan(theta/2). It is stereographic (conform). It maintains angles.

other fisheye cameras

Cartographic Camera

You knew orthographic, ultra_wide_angle, spherical, omnimax, fisheye, perspective and others, here a few new kinds.

The recommendation about the ratio is for the the final picture's dimensions, assuming square pixels.

Put the location above the intended center, in orbit. The location+direction should provide the center of the planet.

LeForgeronCamera perspective.png


Recommended ratio is 2:1

LeForgeronCamera aitoff hammer.png


Recommended ratio is 2:1

LeForgeronCamera eckert iv.png


Recommended ratio is 2:1

LeForgeronCamera eckert vi.png


Recommended ratio is 1:1

LeForgeronCamera lambertazi.png


Recommended ratio is up to you, as you need a very large height/wide to hope reaching the poles (nah, it's impossible with that projection).

LeForgeronCamera mercat.png


Recommended ratio is 1.3638862 or 1:0.733

LeForgeronCamera miller.png


Recommended ratio is 2:1

LeForgeronCamera mollweide.png


Recommended ratio is 2:1

LeForgeronCamera platecarree.png


Recommended ratio is 1:1

LeForgeronCamera van der grinten.png

Cylindrical Equal Area Projection

formula for ratio is π.cos²(φ) with φ the standard parallel.


Recommended ratio is about 1.3.

The standard parallel of the projection is 50°.

LeForgeronCamera balthasart.png


Recommended ratio is 3π:4 (about 2.36)

The standard parallel of the projection is 30°.

LeForgeronCamera behrmann.png


Recommended ratio is about 2.

The standard parallel of the projection is 37°24'.

LeForgeronCamera edwards.png


Recommended ratio is π:2 or golden ratio (φ) (both near 1.6).

The standard parallel of the projection is 45°.

LeForgeronCamera gall.png


Recommended ratio is about 2.

The standard parallel of the projection is 37°30'.

LeForgeronCamera hobo dyer.png


Recommended ratio is π

The standard parallel of the projection is 0°.

LeForgeronCamera lambertcyl.png


Recommended ratio is about π:2 or golden ratio φ (not exactly the same thing, but around 1.6).

The standard parallel of the projection is 44.138°.

LeForgeronCamera peters.png


Recommended ratio is about 2.

The standard parallel of the projection is 37°04'.

LeForgeronCamera smyth craster.png

Unfolding platonic

Of the 5 platonic solids, 4 are easy to unfold to make a map. The dodecahedron is not available so far.


Recommended ratio is about 2.1169 ( 11.sqrt(3):9 )

LeForgeronCamera icosa.png


Recommended ratio is about 2.3 ( 4:sqrt(3) )

LeForgeronCamera octa.png


Recommended ratio is 2.5 ( 5:2 )

LeForgeronCamera cube.png


Recommended ratio is about 2.886 ( 5:sqrt(3) )

LeForgeronCamera tetra.png

Camera for 3D

Stereoscopic camera

The right's length is adjusted automatically to take into account that there is two images. Just use the same right you would with a picture of half the width. Or think of it the other way : the view is HxW, the rendering is to be done for a Hx(2W).

{ stereo distance (clock <0 ? -26:26 )
  parallaxe atan2(13*clock,300)
 location -300*z
 right image_width/image_height*x
 direction z
 up y
 angle 15


cross-eyed viewing:
distance is negative


Parallel viewing:
distance is positive


Parallel viewing with 0 parallaxe
  • distance provides the distance, along the right axis's direction, between the eyes. The location of the camera is the middle point.
    • use a positive value for parallel viewing
    • use a negative value for cross-eyed viewing
    • default is 0
  • parallaxe is the angle between the eyes's direction:
    • should normally be of the same sign of distance
    • normal value is atan2( half distance value, distance to focus )
    • default is 0


Omni Directional Stereo camera

{ omni_directional_stereo 
  distance 1
  location 0
  up 10*y
  right 10*x
  direction 10*z

The left eye is on top, and the right eye is of course the lower part.

"Omni Directional Stereo, ODS"


ODS picture
  • distance provides the distance, along the right axis's direction, between the eyes. The location of the camera is the middle point.