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The include file arraycoupleddf3s.inc defines several macros useful for working with df3 files. Supposing it might be merged into arrays.inc given the df3 write macro is already in that include file ?   
<p>The include file arraycoupleddf3s.inc defines several macros useful for working with df3 files. Supposing it might be merged into arrays.inc given the df3 write macro is already in that include file?</p>  
While much of the updated df3, density_file pattern documentation presumes additional code updates have been adopted, this include file was written to work compatibly with the 3.7.0-stable release.   
<p>While much of the updated df3, density_file pattern documentation presumes additional code updates have been adopted, this include file was written to work compatibly with the 3.7.0-stable release.</p>  
The current body of the include file:  
<p>The current body of the include file:<p>

Revision as of 16:32, 18 August 2016

The include file arraycoupleddf3s.inc defines several macros useful for working with df3 files. Supposing it might be merged into arrays.inc given the df3 write macro is already in that include file?

While much of the updated df3, density_file pattern documentation presumes additional code updates have been adopted, this include file was written to work compatibly with the 3.7.0-stable release.

The current body of the include file:

// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
// To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a
// letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.

// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer version 3.7 Include File
// File: arraycoupleddf3s.inc
// Last updated: August 14 2016  WFP
// Description: Macros & functions for working with arrays and df3 files.
//   ARRAYS_ReadDF3             - Complement to arrays.inc's ARRAYS_WriteDF3.
//   ConvertImagesToDF3         - 2D images to df3 file.
//   ConvertArrayOfStringsToDF3 - Array of strings to df3 file.
//   ConvertFunctionToDF3       - Given a function creates a df3 file.
//   NxNx9DBLtoArrayEntry       - Convert POV-Ray DBL to 9 deep NxN array
//                                usually ahead of ARRAYS_WriteDF3 write and
//                                access to the values as +-64 bit depth via
//                                FnctNxNx9ArrayEntryToDBL.
//   FnctNxNx9ArrayEntryToDBL   - Function to work with +-64 bit, df3 stored,
//                                integer values.

#declare ARRAYCOUPLEDDF3S_INC_TEMP = version;
#version 3.7;

   #debug "including arraycoupleddf3s.inc\n"

#include "arrays.inc"

//--- Generic df3 read. The df3 write was added in 3.7.0 to arrays.inc
//    as ARRAYS_WriteDF3(). The incoming array must have been pre-defined
//    at a size matching the df3 file to accurately read and store all
//    voxel values.
#macro ARRAYS_ReadDF3(_Ary,_FileName)
   #local Fn_df3   = function{pattern{density_file df3 _FileName interpolate 0}}
   #local _X       = dimension_size(_Ary,1);
   #local _Y       = dimension_size(_Ary,2);
   #local _Z       = dimension_size(_Ary,3);
   #local Dx       = 1/_X;
   #local DxVoxCtr = Dx/2;
   #local Dy       = 1/_Y;
   #local DyVoxCtr = Dy/2;
   #local Dz       = 1/_Z;
   #local DzVoxCtr = Dz/2;
   #for (Z,0,_Z-1)
     #for (Y,0,_Y-1)
       #for (X,0,_X-1)
         #local Xi=(X*Dx)+DxVoxCtr;
         #local Yi=(Y*Dy)+DyVoxCtr;
         #local Zi=(Z*Dz)+DzVoxCtr;
         #local _Ary[X][Y][Z]=Fn_df3(Xi,Yi,Zi).red;

//--- Utility function with with ConvertArrayOfStringsToDF3.
#macro arraycoupleddf3sAsciiToVal(_AsciiVal)
   #switch (_AsciiVal)
      #range (asc("a"), asc("z")) #local ReturnVal = (_AsciiVal-asc("a"))/52.0; #break
      #range (asc("A"), asc("Z")) #local ReturnVal = (_AsciiVal-asc("A")+26)/52.0; #break
      #range (asc("0"), asc("9")) #local ReturnVal = (_AsciiVal-asc("0"))/10.0; #break
      #case (asc ("*")) #local ReturnVal = 1.0; #break
      #else #local ReturnVal = 0.0; #break

//--- Translate a 'y,z' 2D array of text strings into df3 file. String length
//    provides the 'x' range for the df3.
//    0-9    characters => 0.0 to 0.9 df3 values.
//    *      character  => 1.0.
//    a-zA-Z characters => 52 levels from a=1/52 to Z=52/52.
//    Other  characters => 0.0.
//    _Ary                - The array containing text strings to convert.
//    _DF3FileName        - Name of the output df3 file.
//    _Depth              - 8 or 16. Best resolution from text only 1/52 so usually 8.
//    _Pad                - 0|<val>. If >0, we will pad all sides of the df3 with that
//                          count of 0.0 values.
//    _PadOnLeft          - 0 or 1. If 1 defined array df3 is padded on the left with
//                          0s to a width equal to the incoming right side. This is
//                          done for convenience when creating df3 for lathe work, but
//                          also due the 256 character string limit in POV-Ray SDL.
// Example creating a df3 profile for bowl. Isosurface later scales flatter.
//    #include "arrays.inc"           // For ARRAYS_WriteDF3()
//    #include "arraycoupleddf3s.inc" // Array coupled DF3 macros & functions.
//    #declare AryStrs = array[25][1]
//    #declare AryStrs[0][0]  = "-------------------------------------2------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[1][0]  = "------------------------------------3-------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[2][0]  = "-----------------------------------2--------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[3][0]  = "----------------------------------2---------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[4][0]  = "---------------------------------2----------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[5][0]  = "--------------------------------3-----------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[6][0]  = "-------------------------------4------------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[7][0]  = "-------------------------------5------------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[8][0]  = "------------------------------4-------------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[9][0]  = "-----------------------------5--------------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[10][0] = "----------------------------6---------------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[11][0] = "----------------------------6---------------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[12][0] = "----------------------------6---------------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[13][0] = "----------------------------6---------------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[14][0] = "---------------------------7----------------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[15][0] = "--------------------------7-----------------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[16][0] = "-------------------------7------------------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[17][0] = "------------------------7-------------------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[18][0] = "-----------------------7--------------------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[19][0] = "-------------------6666---------------------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[20][0] = "------------------7-------------------------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[21][0] = "-----------------7--------------------------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[22][0] = "----------------7---------------------------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[23][0] = "---------------7----------------------------------";
//    #declare AryStrs[24][0] = "666666666666666-----------------------------------";
//    //
//    //                         <---------------------- 50 ---------------------->
//    ConvertArrayOfStringsToDF3(AryStrs,"StringsToDF3.df3",8,5,1)
#macro ConvertArrayOfStringsToDF3(_Ary,_DF3FileName,_Depth,_Pad,_PadOnLeft)
   #ifndef (_Ary)
       #error "ConvertArrayOfStringsToDF3: Array passed is not defined.\n"
   #if (dimensions(_Ary)!=2)
       #error "ConvertArrayOfStringsToDF3: Array/DF3 must have 2 dimensions.\n"
   #local _Y = dimension_size(_Ary,1);
   #local _Z = dimension_size(_Ary,2);
   #if (_Y<1)
       #error "ConvertArrayOfStringsToDF3: Array/DF3 dimension 1 must be >=1.\n"
   #if (_Z<1)
       #error "ConvertArrayOfStringsToDF3: Array/DF3 dimension 2 must be >=1.\n"
   #local _X = strlen(_Ary[0][0]);
   #if (_X<1)
       #error "ConvertArrayOfStringsToDF3: String lengths must be >=1.\n"
   #if (_Depth!=8 & _Depth!=16)
       #error "ConvertArrayOfStringsToDF3: Depth parameter must be 8 or 16.\n"
   #if (_Pad<0 | _Pad>=pow(2,16))
       #error "ConvertArrayOfStringsToDF: Pad value must be >=0 and less than max df3 range.\n"
   #if (_PadOnLeft!=0 & _PadOnLeft!=1)
       #error "ConvertImagesToDF3: PadOnLeft value must be 0 or 1.\n"

   #local _Xn  = _X+(2*_Pad);
   #local _Yn  = _Y+(2*_Pad);
   #local _Zn  = _Z+(2*_Pad);
   #if (_PadOnLeft)
     #local _Xn   = _Xn+_X;
     #local padBy = _X;
     #local padBy = 0;
   #local DF3Ary = array[_Xn][_Yn][_Zn];

   #local LookAtStringPlaneCnt=0;
   #for (Z,0,_Zn-1)
     #if (Z>=_Pad & Z<_Zn-_Pad)
       #debug concat("zPlane ",str(Z,-1,0)," StringPlane ",str(LookAtStringPlaneCnt,-1,0),"\n")
       #debug concat("zPlane ",str(Z,-1,0)," Padding with zeroes.\n")

     #for (Y,0,_Yn-1)
       #if (Y>=_Pad & Y<_Yn-_Pad)
         #local _Yr=Y-_Pad;
         #local _Yr=0;
       #if (strlen(_Ary[_Yr][min(LookAtStringPlaneCnt,_Z-1)])!=_X)
         #debug concat("\n","ConvertArrayOfStringsToDF3: String length of array entry at:","\n")
         #debug concat("[",str(_Yr,-1,0),"][",str(min(LookAtStringPlaneCnt,_Z-1),-1,0),"] must match [0][0] length of ",str(_X,-1,0),".","\n\n")
         #error "Stop."
       #for (X,0,_Xn-1)
         #if (X>=_Pad+padBy & Y>=_Pad & Z>=_Pad & X<_Xn-_Pad & Y<_Yn-_Pad & Z<_Zn-_Pad)
           #local _Xr=X-_Pad;
           // #debug concat(str(_Xr,-1,0)," ",str(_Yr,-1,0)," ",str(LookAtStringPlaneCnt,-1,0),"\n")
           #local Character=asc(substr(_Ary[_Yr][LookAtStringPlaneCnt],_Xr-padBy+1,1));
           #local DF3Ary[X][(_Yn-1)-Y][Z]=arraycoupleddf3sAsciiToVal(Character);
           #local DF3Ary[X][(_Yn-1)-Y][Z]=0.0;
     #if (Z>=_Pad & Z<_Zn-_Pad)
       #local LookAtStringPlaneCnt=LookAtStringPlaneCnt+1;

//--- Translate one or more images into df3 file filtering by linear distance
//    from the passed color as a 0-1 ratio in the color unit cube.
//    _X                  - The x voxel grid count.
//    _Y                  - The y voxel grid count.
//    _BaseVal            - The base value to use when color is not matched.
//                          This is normally 0.0.
//    _UseVal             - To get specific value in the df3 on matching color
//                          set explicitly to >=0.0, <=1.0 value.
//                          Otherwise -1 will set voxel to the image's '.grey'.
//    _Color              - The color to match as 3 value vector.
//    _ColorNearness      - 0-1 value specifies how near image color must be to
//                          be considered a match.
//    _Weight             - 0|1 If 1, samples 12 times in circular pattern to
//                          a half voxel radius and multiplies voxel center
//                          sampled value by ratio matched by color-wise near.
//    _ImageFileNamesAry  - An array of 1 to N image file names. Image files
//                          can repeat for depth of representation in the df3.
//    _DF3FileName        - Name of the output df3 file.
//    _Depth              - 8 or 16.
//    _Pad                - 0|<val>. If >0, we will pad all sides of the df3
//                          with that count of 0.0 values.
// Example code to create a df3 where clouds defined white/grey on black
// background in 3 image files:
//    #include "arrays.inc"           // For ARRAYS_WriteDF3()
//    #include "arraycoupleddf3s.inc" // Array coupled DF3 macros & functions.
//    #declare ImageFileNamesAry=array[3] {
//       "CloudFront.png",
//       "CloudMiddle.png",
//       "CloutBack.png"
//    }
//    ConvertImagesToDF3(500,500,0.0,-1,<1,1,1>,1.5,0,ImageFileNamesAry,"Cloud.df3",8,5)
//    #error "Stopping after parse stage for DF3 creation from image."
#macro ConvertImagesToDF3(_X,_Y,_BaseVal,_UseVal,_Color,_ColorNearness,_Weight,
   #if (_X<1 | _Y<1)
       #error "ConvertImagesToDF3: Passed X and Y dimensions must be >=1.\n"
   #if (_BaseVal<0.0 | _BaseVal>1.0)
       #error "ConvertImagesToDF3: Base value must be >=0.0 and <=1.0 (normally 0.0).\n"
   #if ((_UseVal!=-1) & (_UseVal<0.0 | _UseVal>1.0))
       #error "ConvertImagesToDF3: Use value must -1 or be >=0.0 and <=1.0.\n"
   #local _tmpColor = color _Color;
   #if (_tmpColor.red<0.0)
       #error "ConvertImagesToDF3: red component of color must be >=0.0.\n"
   #if (_tmpColor.green<0.0)
       #error "ConvertImagesToDF3: green component of color must be >=0.0.\n"
   #if (_tmpColor.blue<0.0)
       #error "ConvertImagesToDF3: blue component of color must be >=0.0.\n"
   #if (_ColorNearness<0.0)
       #error "ConvertImagesToDF3: ColorNearness value must be >=0.0.\n"
   #if (_Weight!=0 & _Weight!=1)
       #error "ConvertImagesToDF3: Weight value must be 0 or 1.\n"
   #ifndef (_ImageFileNamesAry)
       #error "ConvertImagesToDF3: Image array passed is not defined.\n"
   #if (dimensions(_ImageFileNamesAry)!=1)
       #error "ConvertImagesToDF3: Image array must have 1 dimension - a list.\n"
   #if (dimension_size(_ImageFileNamesAry,1)<1)
       #error "ConvertImagesToDF3: Image array dimension 1 must be >=1.\n"
   #if (_Depth!=8 & _Depth!=16)
       #error "ConvertImagesToDF3: Depth parameter must be 8 or 16.\n"
   #if (_Pad<0 | _Pad>=pow(2,16))
       #error "ConvertImagesToDF3: Pad value must be >=0 and less than max df3 range.\n"

   #local _LookAtImageCnt=0;
   #for (Z,0,_Zn-1)
     #if (Z>=_Pad & Z<_Zn-_Pad)
       #debug concat("zPlane ",str(Z,-1,0)," ",_ImageFileNamesAry[_LookAtImageCnt],"\n")
       #ifdef (FnImagePigment)
         #undef FnImagePigment
       #local FnImagePigment=function{ pigment {image_map {concat(_ImageFileNamesAry[_LookAtImageCnt]) map_type 0 interpolate 2} } }
       #local _LookAtImageCnt=_LookAtImageCnt+1;
       #debug concat("zPlane ",str(Z,-1,0)," Padding with zeroes.\n")

     #for (Y,0,_Yn-1)
       #local _Yr=(Y-_Pad)/(_Yn-(2*_Pad));
       #for (X,0,_Xn-1)
         #if (X>=_Pad & Y>=_Pad & Z>=_Pad & X<_Xn-_Pad & Y<_Yn-_Pad & Z<_Zn-_Pad)
           #local _Xr=(X-_Pad)/(_Xn-(2*_Pad));
           #local rDiff=_Color.red  -FnImagePigment(_Xr,_Yr,0).red;
           #local gDiff=_Color.green-FnImagePigment(_Xr,_Yr,0).green;
           #local bDiff=_Color.blue -FnImagePigment(_Xr,_Yr,0).blue;
           #if (sqrt(rDiff*rDiff+gDiff*gDiff+bDiff*bDiff)<=_ColorNearness)
             #if (_Weight=1)
                #local weightMult = 1.0; // Count center as 1 as this must be true to be at this line
                #for (I,0,11)
                  #local rDiff=_Color.red  -FnImagePigment(_Xr+AryWeightVecs[I].x,_Yr+AryWeightVecs[I].y,0).red;
                  #local gDiff=_Color.green-FnImagePigment(_Xr+AryWeightVecs[I].x,_Yr+AryWeightVecs[I].y,0).green;
                  #local bDiff=_Color.blue -FnImagePigment(_Xr+AryWeightVecs[I].x,_Yr+AryWeightVecs[I].y,0).blue;
                  #if (sqrt(rDiff*rDiff+gDiff*gDiff+bDiff*bDiff)<=_ColorNearness)
                    #local weightMult = weightMult + 1;
                #local weightMult = weightMult/13;
                #local weightMult = 1.0;
             #if (_UseVal>=0 & _UseVal<=1)
               #local Ary[X][Y][Z]=_UseVal*weightMult;
               #local Ary[X][Y][Z]=FnImagePigment(_Xr,_Yr,0).gray*weightMult;
             #local Ary[X][Y][Z]=_BaseVal;
           #local Ary[X][Y][Z]=0.0;

//--- Translate a function into a df3 file.
//    _X                  - The x voxel grid count to be created.
//    _Y                  - The y voxel grid count.
//    _Z                  - The z voxel grid count.
//    _BaseVal            - The base value to use when function value is not
//                          matched. This is normally 0.0.
//    _UseVal             - For specific value set explicitly as >=0.0, <=1.0.
//                          Otherwise -1 to use absolute of matched function
//                          value clamped to 0.0 - 1.0 range.
//    _FnctMinValue       - The minimum value returned by function to be
//                          considered an match.
//    _FnctMaxValue       - The maximum value for a match.
//    _Function           - The function to run over the unit cube to a
//                          resolution of _X,_Y,_Z.
//    _DF3FileName        - Name of the output df3 file.
//    _Depth              - 8 or 16.
//    _Pad                - 0|<val>. If >0, pads all sides of the df3 with
//                          that count of 0.0 values.
// Example code:
//    #include "arrays.inc"           // For ARRAYS_WriteDF3()
//    #include "arraycoupleddf3s.inc" // Array coupled DF3 macros & functions.
//    ConvertFunctionToDF3(50,50,50,0.0,0.8,-9e10,0.0,Fnct00,"Cloud.df3",8,5)
//    #error "Stopping after parse stage for DF3 creation from image."
#macro ConvertFunctionToDF3(_X,_Y,_Z,_BaseVal,_UseVal,_FnctMinVal,_FnctMaxVal,
   #if (_X<1 | _Y<1 | _Z<1)
       #error "ConvertFunctionToDF3: Passed X, Y and Z dimensions must be >=1.\n"
   #if (_BaseVal<0.0 | _BaseVal>1.0)
       #error "ConvertFunctionToDF3: Base value must be >=0.0 and <=1.0 (normally 0.0).\n"
   #if ((_UseVal!=-1) & (_UseVal<0.0 | _UseVal>1.0))
       #error "ConvertFunctionToDF3: Use value must -1 or be >=0.0 and <=1.0.\n"
   #if (_FnctMinVal > _FnctMaxVal)
       #error "ConvertFunctionToDF3: Function min value must be <=0.0 max value.\n"
   #ifndef (_Function)
       #error "ConvertFunctionToDF3: Function passed is not defined.\n"
   #if (_Depth!=8 & _Depth!=16)
       #error "ConvertFunctionToDF3: Depth parameter must be 8 or 16.\n"

   #local _Xn = _X+(2*_Pad);
   #local _Yn = _Y+(2*_Pad);
   #local _Zn = _Z+(2*_Pad);
   #local Ary = array[_Xn][_Yn][_Zn];
   #for (Z,0,_Zn-1)
     #if (Z>=_Pad & Z<_Zn-_Pad)
       #debug concat("zPlane ",str(Z,-1,0)," Evaluating\n")
       #debug concat("zPlane ",str(Z,-1,0)," Padding with zeroes.\n")
     #local _Zr=(Z-_Pad)/_Z;

     #for (Y,0,_Yn-1)
       #local _Yr=(Y-_Pad)/_Y;
       #for (X,0,_Xn-1)
         #if (X>=_Pad & Y>=_Pad & Z>=_Pad & X<_Xn-_Pad & Y<_Yn-_Pad & Z<_Zn-_Pad)
           #local _Xr=(X-_Pad)/_X;
           #local tmpVal=_Function(_Xr+((1/_X)/2),_Yr+((1/_Y)/2),_Zr+((1/_Z)/2));
           #if (tmpVal>=_FnctMinVal & tmpVal<=_FnctMaxVal)
             #if (_UseVal>=0 & _UseVal<=1)
               #local Ary[X][Y][Z]=_UseVal;
               #local Ary[X][Y][Z]=min(1,max(0,abs(tmpVal)));
             #local Ary[X][Y][Z]=_BaseVal;
           #local Ary[X][Y][Z]=0.0;

//--- NxNx9 DF3 (coupled to Array) entry of converted POV-Ray DBL.
//    Expected depth is Nine 0.0 to 1.0 values being least to
//    most significant bytes of 64bits in depths 0-7 and
//    a 0 or >zero value in depth 8 with 0 meaning positive.
//    Result is DBL like in accuracy, but of course not range.
//    Macro defines a function which returns the DBL normalized
//    to +- the passed limited range. Function set up has
//    the parameters i,j,DeltaZ,range. Intended for use with one
//    byte per voxel DF3 file storage and retrieval of DBL, 64bit
//    accurate values.
// Example set up of function FnctDepth follows. Macro call passed
// couple and already defined array and function->density_file pattern.
//    #declare FnctDepth=FnctNxNx9ArrayEntryToDBL(Ary,PairedDF3Fnct);
//    _i     - What entry in i (x in df3, perhaps not geometrical info stored...)
//    _j     - what entry in j (y in df3)
//    _Db    - Depth of byte   (z in df3)
//    _range - Range over which stored values previously normalized.
// An example scene finding distance, or depth map, values is
// included in the documentation.
#macro FnctNxNx9ArrayEntryToDBL(_Ary,_FnctDF3)
    function (_i,_j,_Db,_range) {
      (_FnctDF3(_i,_j,(0*_Db)+(_Db/2))*255          +_FnctDF3(_i,_j,(1*_Db)+(_Db/2))*255*pow(2, 8)+
    #ifndef (_Ary)
        #error "FnctNxNx9ArrayEntryToDBL: Array passed is not defined.\n"
    #ifndef (_FnctDF3)
        #error "FnctNxNx9ArrayEntryToDBL: Function passed is not defined.\n"
    #if (dimensions(_Ary)!=3)
        #error "FnctNxNx9ArrayEntryToDBL: Array/DF3 must have 3 dimensions.\n"
    #local _II = dimension_size(_Ary,1);
    #if (_II<1)
        #error "FnctNxNx9ArrayEntryToDBL: Array/DF3 dimension 1 must be >=1.\n"
    #local _JJ = dimension_size(_Ary,2);
    #if (_JJ<1)
        #error "FnctNxNx9ArrayEntryToDBL: Array/DF3 dimension 2 must be >=1.\n"
    #local _B  = dimension_size(_Ary,3);
    #if (_B!=9)
        #error "FnctNxNx9ArrayEntryToDBL: Array/DF3 dimension 3 must be 9.\n"

//--- NxNx9  POV-Ray DBL to 9 array entries (64bit+sign) conversion.
//    Expected depth is Nine 0.0 to 1.0 values being Least to
//    most significant bytes of 64bits in depths 0-7.
//    A 0 or >zero value in byte depth 8. 0 meaning the value is positive.
//    Result is > DBL like in accuracy, but of course not range.
//    Macro converts the DBL normalized to +- the passed limited range to a
//    set of 9 array entries.  The parameters are array,i,j,range,dbl.
//    Intended for use with one byte per voxel DF3 file storage
//    and retrieval of DBL, 64bit accurate values. Values larger than
//    the passed +-range are set to 0.
// Example macro call:
//    NxNx9DBLtoArrayEntry(DepthAry,I,J,Range,Value)
// An example scene finding distance, or depth map, values is
// included in the documentation.
#macro NxNx9DBLtoArrayEntry(_Ary,_i,_j,_range,_value)
    #ifndef (_Ary)
        #error "FnctNxNx9ArrayEntryToDBL: Array passed is not defined.\n"
    #if (dimensions(_Ary)!=3)
        #error "FnctNxNx9ArrayEntryToDBL: Array must have 3 dimensions.\n"
    #local _II = dimension_size(_Ary,1);
    #if (_II<1)
        #error "FnctNxNx9ArrayEntryToDBL: Array dimension 1 must be >=1.\n"
    #local _JJ = dimension_size(_Ary,2);
    #if (_JJ<1)
        #error "FnctNxNx9ArrayEntryToDBL: Array dimension 2 must be >=1.\n"
    #local _B  = dimension_size(_Ary,3);
    #if (_B!=9)
        #error "FnctNxNx9ArrayEntryToDBL: Array dimension 3 must be 9.\n"
    #if (_value<0)
        #local _Ary[_i][_j][8] = 1;
        #local _Ary[_i][_j][8] = 0;
    #if (abs(_value)>_range)
        #local _AbsFullBitsVal=0;
        #local _AbsFullBitsVal=((abs(_value)/_range)*pow(2,56));
    #declare _Ary[_i][_j][0] = bitwise_and( _AbsFullBitsVal           ,255)/255;
    #declare _Ary[_i][_j][1] = bitwise_and((_AbsFullBitsVal/pow(2, 8)),255)/255;
    #declare _Ary[_i][_j][2] = bitwise_and((_AbsFullBitsVal/pow(2,16)),255)/255;
    #declare _Ary[_i][_j][3] = bitwise_and((_AbsFullBitsVal/pow(2,24)),255)/255;
    #declare _Ary[_i][_j][4] = bitwise_and((_AbsFullBitsVal/pow(2,32)),255)/255;
    #declare _Ary[_i][_j][5] = bitwise_and((_AbsFullBitsVal/pow(2,40)),255)/255;
    #declare _Ary[_i][_j][6] = bitwise_and((_AbsFullBitsVal/pow(2,48)),255)/255;
    #declare _Ary[_i][_j][7] = bitwise_and((_AbsFullBitsVal/pow(2,56)),255)/255;
