User:Le Forgeron/gsd

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GSD : Generalised Symmetric Difference

NUMBER: number of intersection, negative number are added to total number of object+1


The minimal number of objects is three.


syntax is

interunion { 
  [range{ RANGE } ]*
#version 3.7;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 }

camera { location -560*z
direction z
up y
right image_width*x/image_height
angle 5

#include ""

#local pos= vrotate(6*x,i*z);
cylinder { pos-z,pos+31*z,10 texture { pigment { color CH2RGB(i) filter 0.45 } } }
range { <2,4> }
clipped_by {cylinder { 30*z,0, 20  } }
box { 30*z-20*x-20*y, 30*z+20*x+20*y texture { pigment { color White }}}

light_source { 10*<0,0,-20>, 0.9 }
light_source { 10*<-5,10,-50>, 0.9 }
light_source { 10*<-10,10,-50>, 0.9 }
light_source { 10*<5,10,-50>, 0.9 }
light_source { 10*<10,10,-50>, 0.9 }


syntax is

intermerge { 
  [range{ RANGE } ]*
#version 3.7;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 }

camera { location -560*z
direction z
up y
right image_width*x/image_height
angle 5

#include ""

#local pos= vrotate(6*x,i*z);
cylinder { pos-z,pos+31*z,10 texture { pigment { color CH2RGB(i) filter 0.45 } } }
range { <2,4> }
clipped_by {cylinder { 30*z,0, 20  } }
box { 30*z-20*x-20*y, 30*z+20*x+20*y texture { pigment { color White }}}

light_source { 10*<0,0,-20>, 0.9 }
light_source { 10*<-5,10,-50>, 0.9 }
light_source { 10*<-10,10,-50>, 0.9 }
light_source { 10*<5,10,-50>, 0.9 }
light_source { 10*<10,10,-50>, 0.9 }

Sample scenes

scene 1

#version 3.8;
global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }

#include ""
#include ""
#include ""

#declare Unzoom = 3;
#declare Radius = 18.5;

camera { orthographic
location 6*Radius*<-6,2,-9>
direction Radius*z
up Unzoom*Radius*y
right Unzoom*Radius*x*image_width/image_height
look_at 0

light_source { Radius*<-2,50,-30>*100, 1 area_light 400*x*Radius,Radius*400*z, 10, 10  }

interunion {
#for(i,-1, 1, 2)
#for(j,-1, 1, 2)
#for(k,-1, 1, 2)
sphere { <i,j,k>, Radius texture { T_Chrome_3A} }
sphere { 0, Radius }
  range{ 5 } 
  texture { T_Chrome_3B}

plane { y, -Radius
  texture { pigment { tiling 2
        [1/3 color (Salmon+IndianRed)/2]
        [2/3 color Salmon]
        [0.95 color IndianRed]
        [1 color Black]
        scale Radius/2} }

sky_sphere { S_Cloud2 }

scene 2

#version 3.8;
global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }
#default { finish {emission 0.15 diffuse 0.75 reflection 0.0 phong 0.2 } }

#declare Unzoom = 3;
#declare Radius = 1.444;

camera { orthographic
location 6*Radius*<-6,2,-9>
direction Radius*z
up Unzoom*Radius*y
right Unzoom*Radius*x*image_width/image_height
look_at 0

light_source { Radius*<-2,50,-30>*100, 1 }
light_source { Radius*<0,0,-3>*100, 0.67 }
light_source { Radius*<-10,0,3>*100, 0.67 }

intermerge {
sphere { x, Radius 
  texture { pigment { color red 0.75  } }
sphere { -x, Radius 
  texture { pigment { color blue 0.75 green 0.75  } }
sphere { y, Radius 
  texture { pigment { color green 0.75  } }
sphere { -y, Radius 
  texture { pigment { color red 0.75 blue 0.75  } }
sphere { z, Radius 
  texture { pigment { color blue 0.75  } }
sphere { -z, Radius 
  texture { pigment { color green 0.75 red 0.75  } }
sphere { 0, Radius*5/5
  texture { uv_mapping
    pigment {checker
    pigment {
     color srgb 0.95 filter 0.95 },
     pigment { color srgb 0.4 filter 0.7  }
scale <1/50,1/25,1>
  range{ 3 }
  interior { ior 1.333 }
plane { y, -Radius*1.2
  texture { pigment { color srgb 0.75  } }
plane { z, Radius*2.2
  texture { pigment { color srgb 0.95  } }